This post is only gives you the complete knowledge about how you earn extra and handsome money from your blog or website by placing Google ads on it . nowadays google adsense is number one publishing and advertising company . But for this you have to maintain the following steps :-

Duration of your website or blog is atleast 6 months or more but if your site is good and have good hits you can also apply before 6 months but you have to maintain quality
Always write your own content by your own mind don't copy material from other websites. By copy material from other sites ,that site is against google policy and comes under copyright material issue.
fillup the google adsense registration form correctly by giving your own complete address and mobile number .
If you want to apply for adsense program you should complete atleast 18 years.
Your blog or website should have atleast 40 to 50 posts with good and genuine material that was written by yourself.
Add your complete blog to search engines to boost your site Hits .
Always apply to adsense when your site is completely published and developed
For better performance you should have to buy your own domain name like .org,,.biz,.info
Dont create posts which contains adult or hacking material , it is strictly against the google policy.