Ever thought you wanted to change an Android Application name? Sometimes you might want to - to disguise an app for privacy.

In desktop OSes, it's easy to rename a program or even the shortcut of a program. But it is not so in Android. Not yet.

If you want to rename an Android app, you can try out this app

How it works:
Open the App Name Editor. It displays most of the apps installed in your device.
Tap on the one you want to edit
Select "Edit Application"
Assign a new name
This assignes a new name to the app WITHIN "App Name Editor"
Tap on the edited app in "App Name Editor" and click "Add Shortcut to home"
It creates a shortcut to the app in the home screen

What it does not do is -
It does not change or rename the original app installed, that is, change is not out side of "App Name Editor". So if you open the main app drawer, the app is as it is
It only edits it's name within and creates a shortcut to home screen. The original app when you open the app drawer remains as it is.
So the disguise works only in the home screen. Besides if the attempt is to disguise an explicit app with a screaming logo, ignore this app! It's not gonna work ...lol

If you want more than this, like changing the app name and even icons, check this blog post out.